Top 10 tips on how to effectively build confidence

Has it ever happened that you thought of a scene in your mind where in you spoke to someone (or a group of people) in a manner that stole the show? Or have you ever choked up while delivering a presentation, or even in an interview? You get the gist. It has happened with almost all of us at some point in our lives. Confidence is the most sought after characteristic among humans. People are automatically drawn to those who exude natural confidence.

But this isn’t a trait that someone is born with (well, not really, anyways). So, this means it can be learnt, practiced, and mastered.

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And so, to help you master this charismatic trait, here are some easy tips:

  1. Get things done
    This is a no-brainer. When you put your mind to something and achieve it, your body releases a hormone called ‘dopamine’. Dopamine is the hormone of reward. When you finish a task, no matter how simple, you set a serious satisfaction which converts into a release of dopamine as a reward. This significantly boosts your confidence in getting things done in the future, too. The more the dopamine, better the focus and long-term memory.
  2. Track your progress
    One of the best ways to keep reminding yourself of how well you are doing, is by tracking your progress. In doing so, you check your to-do list and gain a constant dose of satisfaction upon successfully completing each task.
  3. Do the right thing
    Ethics play a large role in boosting one’s confidence. When you are absolutely sure you are doing the right thing, the process will be smoother. But, on the other hand, when you’re unsure of whether it is the right thing, you may have doubts crossing your mind, several times, interrupting your process, and hence, lowering your confidence.
  4. Work on yourself
    This is one of the key factors affecting self-confidence. To come across as a confident individual, you need to believe it yourself first. Begin by taking care of your physical health by working on your body and appearance. Pay an equal amount of attention to your mental and intellectual health, by ensuring proper rest and upgrading your skills, respectively. Learning new skills, picking hobbies, and working on your personal brand can instil a new wave of confidence.
  5. Face your fears
    One of the biggest achievements for anyone is to be able to face their fears. Everyone is intimidated by something in their life – situation, circumstance, or person. But once we muster the courage to face the fear, and decide to take it head-on, we often realise that it wasn’t the “thing” holding us back but the fear of what would happen if we couldn’t get past it. Once we face our fear, the result doesn’t scare us any longer, since the courage we muster in the process, plays the role of much needed confidence.
  6. Take a stand for yourself
    We must have a clear vision and try to determine our purpose. We know what we believe in, and what our individual sense of right and wrong is. These are a part of what makes us unique. Yet, we often let others know what our principles are, and this often leads to a drop in our confidence. Rather, speak up and let your principles be known. Let your friends and competitors know what you stand for. Stand for yourself and many will stand with you.
  7. Do not promise what you can’t keep
    Words are often compared to arrows – both, once released, cannot be taken back. Your words are valuable, and hence if you are not sure of keeping a particular promise, don’t mention it at all. Not being able to keep a promise, has devastating effects on our confidence.
    So, remember, do not give away promises like candy.
  8. Long-term thinking
    Though it is good to live in the moment, it is smart to have a plan for the future too (at least the near future). Looking at the bigger picture helps us see where we are and where we wish to stand at each short-term interval. It makes us feel more in control of our own life and thus, we tend to make better decisions. Better decisions equal higher confidence.
  9. Pay less attention to what others think
    We have all wondered what “others” would think if we said a certain thing or acted in a certain way. Well, it is time to stop wondering. If you want to build confidence, learn to speak up, make eye contact and keep your head held high. Speak slowly, yet clearly. Do not rush while talking or walking. You will feel the surge in confidence immediately.
  10. Talk to yourself
    Yes, it is very normal for us to talk to ourselves. How our internal voice converses with us, determines a lot about what happens in our lives. We must be conscious about this, and proactively choose to speak to ourselves with positivity and praise. Prioritise positive words and cheerful sentiments to help boost your confidence.
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It is entirely in our hands to shape our confidence and create our persona. How others perceive us should matter less than how we perceive ourselves. Try the above tips and see your confidence grow, by yourself.

Which tip intrigued you the most? Let us know what you shall be trying, in the comments below.

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